Here is a list of resources that we found of great service during our time of need.
A non-profit organization that helps you keep your friends and family informed with an online publishing site during a health emergency. All posts from July 8, 2012 – July 7, 2013 originally appeared on Lily’s CaringBridge page. To date Lily’s page has been visited over 30,000 times!
Lotsahelping Hands
A centralized place where volunteers can collaborate to cover all the needs of the family including meals, errands and childcare.
Ronald McDonald Family Room
Often steps away from a pediatric or intensive care unit, Ronald McDonald Family Rooms offer a place to rest and regroup right at the hospital, just moments away from their sick child.
Ronald McDonald House
provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost.